Need integrated for Tyler linbrook Signature

Bought a Musical Fidelity A5 integrated and feel that it is on the bright side of reality. Otherwise it performs well. I'm looking for an integrated (tube or SS) powerful enough to drive these speakers. Any suggestions would be helpful. I'm looking for something in the $2000 range used.
I have a used Coda Ultra that was wonderful with the Linbrook Signatures. Moved on to separates recently, so if your interested let me know. You can go to the Coda Technologies website for more info on this well built and sonically pure integrated. Ty has used Coda with his speakers at previous audio shows so that should tell you he thinks it's a good match.
I've mated the same speakers with the McIntosh MA6900, Mac separates, Bel Canto and Cary SS separates, and the orginal Rowland Concentra, and to this day I greatly miss the Rowland - it was a magical combo (I'd think about going back if I wasn't doing multichannel). All that said, a big caveat is that when I had the Rowland I had a much better room, but I still believe it was a very synergistic combination. To this day I have not had better sound than that.
I have a T+A PA1230 integrated and a T+A SACD 1250 player. Superb!
I also considered the Rowland Concerto as it is highly recommended.
I also have the Signatures and I am using both the Raysonic 128 and the Wadia 302 as sources I have been quite happy with both a Cayin A100T and a Paragon Three/Five pre-amp/amp combo. Both are very responsive to tube changes. I've only had the Cayin for 3 or 4 months but it has been trouble free. It is well built and operates very well with its remote. It also has both Triode and UL on the fly, although IMHO the Triode mode is a little soft and fuzzy in the upper mids - not a draw back if you like your music laid back though, and the amp runs much cooler so I assume you'd have very long tube life. I put mine in triode for casual/background music. It costs a bit more than you mention but sooner or later they will come up for sale.

I think you might find the 3/5 combo in your budget, and it is also a fine set. Down side is no remote and it is only UL, no triode option. But it runs cool. I've had this combo for 2 1/2 years with out problems. FWIW.