Need Interconnect Advice

Here is my current system.

Qinpu A3 tube/solid state hybrid integrated amp
Jamo C601 bookshelf speakers
Cambridge Audio CD player
AudioQuest Type 4 speaker cables

Talked to a couple of people on another board and one highly recommended Kimber Kable - Hero Interconnect - Ultraplate Black RCA's.

Did some research on these and I don't know if they will match up well with my current system. The Jamo speakers run a bit warm on the lower midrange and bass is quite deep and can even be boomy at times despite being a small speaker. I just added a Pangea AC 14SE cable and that has helped to tame the boomy bass in songs that have that problem. I've read the Hero is a bit heavy in the lower midrange and bass quality though it certainly should help tighten the bass. I guess I am most concerned that if the Hero is a bit warm on the lower midrange like the speakers it may create a sound I don't want. Also more than one person said that the Hero also does not separate instruments very well and has a limited sound stage area.

I guess what I want in a cable is the following:

Neutral mid range and high end
Tightens boomy bass tracks
Separation of instruments in songs or CD's that are poorly produced.

What can anyone recommend that has most or all of these attributes for less than $200 for an 18 inch pair with RCA connectors on both ends?
Zd542. I plan to have two systems anyway. One in the living room and another in my media room.
Jofi. Will look into these as well. Nice to see there are a lot of options in the sub $200 IC category that come highly recommended.

Shubert. As soon as I have the IC-3's broken in I will post my thoughts.
I'm not sure that source component interconnects can or should tighten boomy bass. That's an issue of your speakers/placement/acoustics.

Have you tried moving the speakers away from the corners/walls? Also, stands are very important as is the interface between them and the speakers. I recommend Sound Anchors stands and Herbie's Big/Square Fat Dots for the sound preferences you stated.
Loftarasa. I actually noted the boomy bass tighten up some after installing new Golden Gate IC's from AQ. No mistaking it. And since that point in time I have purchased some stands and placed the speakers about 15 to 20 inches from the wall and the soundstage has improved and yes, the boomy bass tracks have less prominence than before.