Need New MM Cartridge Recommendation

Hello All!

I need a recommendation on a new moving magnet phono cartridge. 

Here's my system:

Roksan Radius 5 (I think MK1 or 2) turntable 
Creek Evolution 100A integrated amplifier with Creek Sequel MM board
PSB Imagine T2 loudspeakers 

The Roksan came with a Roksan Corus Black MM cartridge, which was likely a Goldring manufactured cart.  It was great!  The stylus broke off after about 8 years use. 

I was wondering about the following but am open to all recommendations: 

Clearaudio Maestro (yikes! It's $1200)
Ortofon 2m Black
Goldring carts similar to Corus
Audio Technica AT150MLX

Any insight and recommendations will be super appreciated!

PS:   Sequel 40 mk2 MM Phono pre-amp is the device specifically suited for most types of Moving Magnet cartridges, with an output between 3.5 to 5mV and a matching impedance of 47k Ohms.
I use Goldring 1042 with Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm and Acoustech phono. When choosing I didn't want to go with any MC under $1k, nor did I want Ortofon or Audiotechnica for sounding thin and bright in some set-ups, or mid-range Grado that could be veiled and unbalanced.
I also considered two more expensive alternatives - Soundsmith Carmen and Audio Note IQ, the latter being upscale Goldring, I think.
I might upgrade to either of them later or to higher level Soundsmith or even Lyra Delos. US prices are often higher or much higher. I got the Goldring from the UK for $375 including shipping.
It sounds excellent with Nottingham, great for the money, I would say.
Definitely the 2M Black; I have one and it is one of the best sounding MM cartridges around).  Also, the AT 440 mla, now the AT 440 mlb is another wonderful cartridge I enjoy that is worthy of serious consideration.
If you want a MC sound with MM sensitivity parameters in your  cartridge get  a high output moving coil like the Dynevector 20x .  It will work with your MM phono stage. I came on my Scout (VPI).  I also own a Music Hall MMF-5 table and an MM Goldring Cart. I forget the signal strength it generates, but is very very different .  The SQ of the MM is rounded and retty, with no emphasis on detail. The MC is very detailed and has a precise . Some might use the classic Detail vs Musicality description. I like the analytic beter myself but the DV 20)X  Dynevector.  They are expensive but less thn your $1200 example.