Need recommendations for inexpensive power cord

I’ve never used after market power cords and am considering buying a couple.  I have some questions:

Considering the astronomical price power cords go for, is there any point getting one or two in a lower price range?
At what price point do power cords start to make a difference in your system?
I have two monoblock NuForce class D 160 watt amps.  Is this where they should go? 
Can someone recommend an inexpensive power cord that can make a difference?

Cannot beat with a stick. Analysis Plus Power Oval. Hollow oval braided copper conductor, shielded and with Wattgate connectors. 5 feet long. Less than $100 on the Internet. Problem solved!

PS audio Power Punch since discontinued beats my more expensive Audioquest NRG 10 and Nordost Brahma cords on the class d W4S ST 500.  The Pangea cords were not even close.
The Power Punch cord is also my choice on my BAT VK 55 which draws a lot of triode class A power.
I think Cullen may have made the PS cords so that may be a good source for a new cord.  
Actually no, I just looked at the box.  It is listed as a xStream Power Punch engineered in Boulder Colorado and made in China.  I paid 40.00 on a close out sale.
If you can find a pair of these, I think you would be impressed.
I've had great results with oyaide tunami cable & neotech (neotec?) connectors. You can assemble a 6' power cord for less tan $200. I buy the wire from Chris at VH audio & the connectors from Parts Connexion. They do take a couple hundred hours to fully break in though.