Need suggestions for a USB and digital cable.

I have not tried computer audio but am taking the plunge. I am going to use an HP laptop and I will use Jriver. I got a great price on a Wyred 4 Sound DAC2 and sent it in for the DSDSE upgrade. Now I need to get a USB and a digital cable. I could use some suggestions. I don't really know alot about these cables or how much I will need to spend to get good sound. I need some help! My system is a Rowland Capri preamp, Pass 250.5, and Martin Logan Ascent i speakers.
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I am sorry. The digital cable is to run from a Monarchy DIP to the DAC. I am using my dvd player as a transport optical out to the DIP but I need a digital cable to the DAC.
The Revalations Audio Labs comes up often in threads. It is kind of expensive but might be worth it.
I use the Wireworld Starlight for both usb and spdif on my Wyred dac. Wyred recommended the Wireworld cables to use with their equipment. I am extremely satisfied.
Take a look at Black Cat.Although they are on a months hiatus in Japan through March you can find their products at The Cable Co.The owner/designer was the Man behind Stereovox.
Great products at real world prices!