Need Suggestions For Wall Mounted Speakers

I'm finally getting ready to go out and look for some smaller speakers for my long-neglected bedroom system. As there is really no logical location to place the speakers on stands, I'm going to replace the current wall mounted Audiosource speakers with something better sounding.
The room is apporx. 16 feet X 12 feet, with an 8 foot ceiling. Being a McIntosh fan, I'm going to be using a MC7100 amp, and will soon be replacing the Adcom GTP-350 Tuner/Preamp with more McIntosh gear. I would like to keep the budget for these speakers under $900.00; but might go a bit more for the right sounding speaker.
As the speakers will be placed fairly close to the wall, I suspect any speaker with a rear port is just going to sound much too bass heavy to be considered. All suggestions will deffinately be appreciated.
I just went through this process, and was surprised that speakers from JM Labs AND PSB that were purposely built as surrounds sounded shitty when wall-mounted! I found their spectral response quite nice in free-space (when auditioning and at home), but the boundary support really muddied up their bottom ends. It's like these guys just took their two-way designs and squashed them into cute wall-mount cabinets without bothering to rework the crossovers and bass alignments. Geez....So, needing to couple a high WAF into this, I eliminated a few ugly black ones, and tried the Boston Acoustics VR-MX in cherry/black. These have an active 5+1 front-firing and 5 passive+ tweeter rear-firing, so you can interchange their positions depending upon setup. They sounded anemic (properly so) in free-space, but realy good with boundary support. I found B-stock AND a fine PV-1000 sub at their factory through an employee-friend, and happened to bump into their designer when picking them up, and mentioned the nice voicing. The guy explained ow much effort he put into getting them just right for wall-mounting, AND high WAF acceptance. A nice guy obviously proud of his work....I use a pair as the rears with my Spendor front trio (S3/1p and SC3), and they
combine splendidly. I must say the Boston rears are MUCH better voiced than their Monitor fronts! C'est la chance, c'est la vie....
Firstly, I agree with your assessment that a rear ported speaker will not work. Although I do not mount my speakers on a wall, I have to place them close to the rear wall and I have found rear ported speakers do not do well in those circumstances.
Vienna Acoustics has just come out with a wall mount speaker that you may want to investigate.
I have seen and heard LS3/5A's mounted on a wall, and although not ideal, they seem to sound fine. I have Spendor S3/5's placed close to a rear wall (on stands) with little ill effect. You will need some hefty brackets to mount them on the wall.