Need understanding on amperage

Forgive me for being a little slow but I'm confused on how to understand the amp ratings:

My circuit to my gear is 20 amps
My conditioner is good to 45 amps (Furman Elite PF15)
My amp is rated at 60 amps per channel (Parasound A21)
and my speakers suck amperage like its going out of style. (Thiel cs2.4's)

So how is it my amp can run 60 amps if my wall outlet is only rated at 20? Is this reserve amps held by the transformer?
And if my power conditioner is rated at 45 amps then am I shortchanging myself by running my amp through it?
And If all this is true then why aren't I throwing the circuit breaker all the time when the system is cranked up?

Again, I'm slow, so use small words so I can understand ;)
Philipwu, to drive a 1 ohm load is a difficult task for any amplifier.

You might want to consider that if the load is difficult to drive, the amp will not sound its best! This is true of all amplifiers.

For tube amps this requires a special transformer to allow it to happen and you will find such a transformer to be very rare. While some transistor amps can actually drive a one ohm load, in general they would be better off using some sort of matching transformer as well.

IOW, a one-ohm speaker is impractical and should be avoided, as there are no amplifiers that can really sound like music playing such a load. As the saying goes, why go where angels fear to tread?
hi Ralph,
Thanks for responding about my query. i'm not sure what if the load should dip to 1 ohm MOMENTARILY for certain high freq. and playing at whisper quiet level, does this mean the amp should still be capable of handling such load (theoretically speaking)
BTW, i'm interest in your preamp, can i know what benefit by changing to Caddock volume control? is it more steps than original of 24? and about the damping package? my dealer said something about anti-resonant feet for the pre, is it?
regards -phil
Hi Phil, if by momentarily, you mean only at one frequency, then things can be a lot different, depending on the frequency. For example, a lot of ESLs have impedances like that at high frequencies where no power is required. Despite that, many tube amps can often drive that just fine.

Thanks for the question. The Caddock volume control makes the MP-1 a little more transparent. Of all the options we offer, it is both most expensive and the least sonic effect. FWIW the new volume control on the Mk3.2 preamps in stock form is more transparent than Caddock controls of the older versions.