Neutrik XLR to RCA Adapters

The quesiton of where to purchase XLR to RCA adpaters has popped up more than once on Audigon. The usual resposnes direct folks towards products from BAT, Rowlans, PAD, etc, which are good but expensive. Well (and perhaps news only to me), Neutrik makes these adapters as well! The catalog numbers for the more common XLR to female RCA jacks are NA2MPMF (male XLR) and NA2FPMF (femele XLT). The cost? Theoretically about $ 17 each *vs, e.g., $ 115 a pair for the PAD version). The catch? No one seems to stock them!. I found a website in Canada that had ONE femele to female, and being a bulk distributor required me to purchase a $ 50 "license" to buy anything from them - pretty useless! So..the question is ..Does anyone know who might carry these in the US????
i can get 'em over-the-counter at a local music store for $6.50 each - m/m, f/f, f/m, m/f. they have 'em in-stock. mebbe i should go into bizniz on the 'net selling 'em? ;~) seriously, try any large shop that caters to the pro-music industry - ya know: guitars, electtric pianos, stage amplification, etc. if there isn't one in your area, try chuck levin's washington music center in wheaton, md. i found it thru the neutrik www, thru their distributors list. i called a distributor who would sell direct if i wanted, but he referred me to the local vendor. doug
Sedond Thanks. Youd' be surprised if you went into business. I have checked the local pro-shops (as well as a few on the net) and they carry crap
Well, after another hour or so on the Web, I have found a supplier. For those who are interested, they are Zack Electronics ( They charge $ 6 per sales tax if you live in California or Illinois. Should have some next week. Will compare to my fancy, expensive BAT adpaters and report how it goes...
Thanks for the info guys. I look forward to hearing about Alexc's comparison. I do need some, but I don't want to get them if they are crappy...Duh!
Neutrik makes some of the best connectors on the market. Many of them are used by high profile cable companies. I order mine from Full Compus. They should carry the item you are searching for.