New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?
O.K. fair enough. I didnt think that I had to spell this out but I guess it is necessary. I havent heard these interconnects so I will not comment on them directly, which is as it should be. When I think of the best cables I do not include the usual players like: MIT, Transparent, Synergistic, Tara, Kimber, Audioquest or pretty much most of the cable manufacturers that advertise or get reviews. All told the retail cost of my cables for my entire system is probably around 9K and the retail of my entire system is about 85K.  

I am not going to try to convince anyone on this forum that they should buy a 22K interconnect or that this interconnect is worth this amount of money. What I do know is that I have heard major differences in cables and in some cases have heard cables that sell for a few thousand dollars that soundly trounced cables from some of the above that cost over 10K. I think the key here is that I hear differences and I will not discount the possibility that a 22K cable will sound better than a 12K cable. To ascribe a limit to what a component should cost is truly a fool's errand and I cant possibly guess what would be the motivation to make such a judgement. Worse still is when you visionaries decide that people who overspend on such items do so out of some weakness or deficiency.



Well since I've been an audiophile, or at least a well engaged enthusiast, for about 40 years now and I was, until the closing of their US factories, a master machinist and field tech for one of the largest electronics and apparatus manufactures in the world; as well, have managed construction crews and owned and operating three successful small businesses - not quite sure what, in your mind, might qualify me as a passenger, but have at it.
I do, in fact, know a good deal about cords and cables and am pretty good at separating fact from fallacy....Jim
Cable threads provide more entertainment than any others in the forum. 

Pass the popcorn..........
@jsautter "What I do know is that I have heard major differences in cables and in some cases have heard cables that sell for a few thousand dollars that soundly trounced cables from some of the above that cost over 10K."

What you have given us is a testimony. And based on the fact that few if any of us know anything actually verifiable about you there is no reason for us to trust your testimony. Now, it would be foolish of me to argue with you about what you heard and didn't hear. That's like arguing with someone about their favorite color. But it is not "foolish", nor does it make one a "tourist"( your words) to doubt testimony we read on the internet. It would be foolish to do otherwise.

And the thing is, other folks with equally good internet credentials as you have tried various cables of various prices and do not hear a difference. 

So when I'm confronted with a claim for a phenomenon that may not have good, reproducible  objective support and in some cases defies common sense, then in terms of a rational approach it makes more sense to accept the testimony of those who have tested and not experienced the phenomenon than those who have tested it and did experience it. It is a fine line because we're dealing with super weak evidence. We could be dead wrong but it is not "foolish" to approach it that way.

And if there is no point at which someone will say that they can no longer suspend rational when confronted with $22,000 interconnects then it is also not foolish to suspect that they may have approached $1000 interconnects with the same suspension of rationality. Again, we might be wrong, but not foolish.

"Cable threads provide more entertainment than any others in the forum. "
Fuses come close.