New Amp for Maggie MMG's

Looking to purchase a new power amp to use with my MMG's. Looking for recommendations of those with experience with maggie's. Replacing a Unison Unico integrated.
Two that work. Jolida Hybid 100 watt ,2oo at 4ohm from Underwoodwally here on A-gon about $800 works good.
New Synergy 450 from Van Alstine sounds fantastic with my MMG's about 2K.
I listened to these with several different amps. The best-- fluid, organic, warm, airy, good depth and imaging with the Marantz reference monblocks MA-9S2. Head and shoulders above McIntosh 601's & Audio Research Reference 250's. They were using Transparent Audion Opus line of IC's & Cables. The demo room was well treated.

A really good, powerful amp that is a cheaper alternative to the Marantz, McIntosh and Audio Research is the Spectron Musician III Mk2 ( $4000.00 ).
