New Arm or New TT and arm?

I've been listening to a VPI HW19 11 turn table with the Eminent Technology 11 air bearing tone arm for the last thirty-two years, but I am now shopping for something new because I am fed up with piddling with the ET arm. Plan A is to put a new pivoted arm on the old VPI. Plan B is a new table and tone arm, possibly the Clearaudio Performance DC Wood with the Tracer arm. If anyone has any suggestions regarding the best pivoted arm to put on the VPI or comments re: the Clearaudio table or alternatives to it I would appreciate reading them.   
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I currently favour the Music Hall mmf 9.3 or 11.3

They seem to have got almost everything right and you would be moving forward with newer technology

About the only thing they are missing is a one piece harness, which I like very much.

You could try sending Jeff at Audiomods and email to see if one of his arms would fit your existing TT. He sometimes makes mounting plates to make installation a breeze

I’ve had his Classic Series three arm with a one piece harness and micrometer VTA adjustment for about 6 years and love it.

Regards - Steve
Now is a great time to revisit direct drive imho. Of course Technics, but also Brinkmann and STST etc.