New Audiophile going crazy

I've always been a music fan, play guitar and have dedicated HT, stadium seating and so on.  Beginning in about November I started collecting some vintage equipment.  A Kenwood receiver from the 70's, a nice Adcom amp
(GFA-555), Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature.  Apparently that was just the taste I needed because I went into high gear at that point.  B&W 802's (series 80's), 805 Nautilus, HTM2 center and a thumping B&W sub.  I constructed a 2-channel system for my home office made of McIntosh C28 pre, a 2105 amp, Rega P3 and Pioneer 707 R2R and full set of Dalquist DQ-10 (sub unit and crossover) all in mint condition. And of course, all the Audioquest cabling to connect it all.  To go with all those Bowers & Wilkins I picked up a Mac MX135 and a MC7108 just this weekend.  House is wired for two channel in every room already so the multi-zone seemed a good choice.
Now, I'm sitting here looking at projectors to re[place the one in the theater.  I've become quite consumed with upgrading all my equipment.

That's since Thanksgiving.  Is there any hope for me?  I have to get this "Obsession" under control.  Any advice?
When you start using a bathroom for equipment storage because you have run out of room elsewhere you are hardcore!
I know someone who bought seven HT receivers  in a year.
Bought them new and sold them on the used market , with big lost.
He even bought the same model twice.
A  dealer told him he was crazy.

Obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Do you have , in your home, an authority figure , to moderate you ?