New B&W Nautilus Speakers??

Hi everyone!

I am curious if anyone has heard about B&W introducing new versions of their current Nautilus Speakers later this year. I am not referring to the Prestige range which has the new �Signature� 800, 805, HTM1 etc.

I have heard of two new Nautilus Subwoofers that are reportedly due in the next three months. They are the ASW 800 and the ASW 850,

Where did you get this info from ? I have the N801 and was think about upgrading to N800 but after hearing I still like the the low end better in the N801.My dealer said he had not heard of any upgrades.
I know for sure about the new Nautilus Subwoofers and have a copy of the specifications. As for updates to the remainder of the line, there was a post stating this on another forum. However, I felt that with the high-end expertise and knowledge on this forum, we might be able find out for sure on the other speakers in the Nautilus line.
Wow, isn't the Internet wonderful? Search and you shall find. Thanks to your model numbers, I found these two pictures:

Looks like Signature subs to me. Enjoy!