New Classe CRCD All-In-One? Anyone heard it?

Classe just released an all-in-one similar in concept to the NAD L-40 and Linn Classik.

Has anyone heard or seen the CRCD? If you have, how does it compare to the Linn? Price?
Kelly, the Boulder and Rowland stuff just won't fit in the bedroom. What's a 'phile to do?
jeff: just an attempt at humor. the classe piece actually looks kinda' interesting for a kitchen or office. i'd like to hear the price, too (in USD). -cfb
Kelly- the cost of a multi-channel food processor? I realize things are slightly more relaxed out in your neck of the woods, but I am sure you can find one of them. But will it tend to the westies? :)
I own two Linn Classik's; one in my bedroom with four B&W LM1's and the other in an office system with a pair of ProAc Tablette 2000's. I went from the NAD L-40 to the Linn (big step up)and not able to leave well enough alone wonder if the Classe is worth getting rid of one (or both) Classiks? A pet peeve of mine, why list stuff on a website and not include the MSRP?
I bought one for my soon to be in-laws. They wanted an all in one unit. Sounds nice considering it's so compact. I liked it a lot better than the Linn. Retails for roughly 2k. I bought mine for far less.