New Firmware for Playback Designs MPS-5

I received this email today.It is great that Playback Designs continues to develop/improve what is already an outstanding player.
The website also has a notice relating to this firmware upgrade but at this stage I cannot find any further info regarding the audio consequences or otherwise of this update.
I am sure this will follow soon but any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
I own MPS-5 and never did any update though I have all files downloaded and stored in my PC . Hearing yours comments , it urges me to do my first upgrade , just wish to know , is it OK to jump to the latest update file and is updating real easy as ABC , any points needed to attend to ?

Thanks !
I believe it over-writes the entire firmware so it's not cumulative.

ps there's a new one again (bugfix for the old one)

I'm confused by your statement that "it" (presumably the latest update) over-writes the entire firmware and is therefore not cumulative. To me, "over-write" means the new firmware replaces the firmware or data previously located in a given space on the drive. "Cumulative" means that the latest update includes all prior firmware as well as the most recent changes. If the latest update is not cumulative, then it has only the latest changes and, if it over-writes all existing firmware, then only the latest changes will remain. I think that either (a) you meant to say that the latest update is not "additive" or (b) your meaning of "over-write" is that the newly installed firmware merely adds to firmware that is already present. Is that correct?
Sorry. Typing on a small phone has its drawbacks.

The firmware update over writes it fully. You don't need to apply the individual preceding firmware updates.