new GAN amplifier

LSA Voyager GAN 200.

200w into 8 ohms

400w into 4 ohms

???w into 2 ohms

I am not sure what the goal is with these quotes. Pretty much none of these people are experts in signal processing, and to long term advance the start of the art of class-D, it will require a different knowledge set than linear amplifiers. Thorsten Loesch  particularly shows his lack of knowledge. I have no idea why he even made a comment.

"Perhaps more crucially, so called Class D Amplifiers, which have in recent times sprouted up like mushrooms after a warm rain, continue to use the straight two or three level modulation scheme described above. And thus they still require the use of heavy handed noise shaping to attain anything like acceptable 16 Bit Audio performance.The clock frequencies for these amplifiers are usually at 300 KHz to 1MHz in the best cases. That is 3,000 to 10,000 times lower than what is required to attain 16 Bit / 44.1 KHz performance without noise shaping and other forms of signal manipulation!?"

How do you take someone seriously who has such flawed views of what is possible or the underlying technology?

Fortunately, we can count of people such as Nelson Pass, and Jeff Rowland, even John Curl to offer a more balanced (and probably more informed) view of where Class-D is and can go.

I once made the class D > DSD analogy on another forum and was met with enormous hostility from the Class D faithful.  

The believers provide the missing bias.  

Anyone that thinks GaN is all the same,  send me Wallys $2K attempt at lowballing the market  and "stealing " all the sales as the lemmings think anything GaN is the same.. Il compare it to the best Ive heard AGD, and if Wallys is undetectable I'll be honest and admit it , then give the news to AGD and tell them to get thier ass to work along with sending it back with $100 and a thank you for letting me compare. I am guessing the AGD will embarass the crap out of Wally and his huge claims of greatness just due to using a certain material.  It will help to prove the point that curcuit design anmd layout  trumps everything. Maybe Ill put a Silicon based Class D against .... maybe I'll put an Ice power silicon Class D made by one of my favorite circuit designers against Wallys GaN amp... my purpose is to show that design is far more important than material. I simply dont think Wally has any Genius designers making his $2K amp.. Lets prove it shall we ?   
GaN FETs suitable for a Class-D output stage and superior to silicon devices are relatively inexpensive now. Even in a $2,500 unit, they use of GaN shouldn't command that much of a premium.