New HT system

Looking to build a dedicated HT, 2 channel not needed for this endeavor. Will be buying preowned from the gon. Need advice on 5.1/7.1 speaker system and receiver vs. pre/amp combo. Budget for audio $7500. Also, interested in HD 1080p projector for $3500 or less. Again will be buying preowned. Room 15.5 x 13.
Thanks for responding. I've been at this for a while so I know a good deal about 2 channel. I already have a dedicated high end stereo room for music only. MUSIC ISN'T IMPORTANT for this endeavor. I like all types of music. I will be having a dedicated 20 amp line for the HT room as well as line conditioning. My questions are what speaker set up is best. I'd consider monitors and towers. Will most likely use one REL sub.
Room will be above dimensions. 5.1 most likely. Have owned B&W nautilus 805s in past and wondered how they might work in 5.1 setup? Knowledge on Deftech, Usher, Totem, and Paradigm appreciated.
I'd go with Anthem Gear (avm 20,30 or 50) with a 5 channel anthem amp. ($2500-$3500)
Speakers: your room is tight so you can't place them too far from the walls. You can not go with rear ports or def tech bipolar for that reason.
Paradigms will work. My theater is coincident all around. Find conquests or truimphs for $600/pr-$800/pr. Try canuckaudiomart too. They are extremely efficient and 100wpc will do. ($1800-$2800) I'd be happy with 805's all around too.
You don't need big towers with the REL.
Source, get new: I prefer Denon. Don't break the bank on this since the sources tend to get obsolete after 6 months. That should run you $500-$1000 unless you go nuts.