New KT150 tubes?

Has anyone any experience with these pretty new tubes. There are already one or 2 amps I know of, that use them. The review of one of these amps in a UK magazine suggested they were a little warmer and more natural sounding than the nearly new KT120's

The article also suggested they were a straight swap for KT120 based amps, with no adjustment necessary. They are more than twice the cost of KT120's, but still not too costly compared with NOS tubes. I know changing from KT88's or 90's to 120's. did require some amp modification. I have an ARC reference 75 and might want to try the new tubes at some point, ARC don't seem to have a customer E-mail service, to ask the question
I realize you meant AR is one of the biggest tube "users" in the world, but I'd be willing to bet Fender makes their tube inventory look minuscule. Guitar amp companies don't seem to use large tubes like 120s and 150s much if at all (bass amps, with a few exceptions like the mighty Ampeg SVT, are mostly SS) beyond EL34s, EL84s, 6L6s and 6V6s...those are the power tubes of choice generally, and they use a LOT of 'em. I would buy another set of 120s in a heartbeat and likely should since mine are getting a little worn and 150s cost about twice as much...although I did see a quad for under 300 clams recently...hmm....
Wolf, .... Undertow makes an interesting point, but ... the KT-150 will list for twice the price of the KT-120. I am dubious that ARC will get stuck with thousands of KT-120 tubes even if the KT-150s are approved for use in the current product offerings.

I've used approximately 75% of the tube life of my KT-120s. I may spring for 2 quads of KT-150s, but not from ARC. Too damn expensive. The good news is I understand that the KT-150s have a life span of 4000 hours.
hmm, anyone know what the life expectancy of the KT-120's are? I should have about 3000 hours of actual play( more if you include standby) on mine after 2 years of use in January. A quad of the KT-150's is running anywhere from $329~$400, so they are not pricey and could use any incremental power improvement I can get with the Prima Luna Premium integrated amp and Maggies.
David256, ARC has unofficially said that their tested and calibrated KT-150s will sell for almost $200 per tube. By contrast, ARC sells KT-120s for about $100 a tube. Way over my what I will spend for a tube. By contrast, Upscale Audio is charging about half those amounts.

When ARC blesses the KT-150, I'll probably go to Upscale. No f***ing way I'll spring for $200 a tube from ARC. My current set of KT-120s is getting long in the tooth. I might spring for the KT-150s with or without ARCs blessing ... maybe

Btw, I read somewhere that the KT-150 has a life span of 4000 hours, which is twice the suggested limit for KT-120s. Let's see what is officially reported, all of which I suspect will be shortly after the ARC G Series is released.

Another titbit from elsewhere.

" My dealer has checked with Audio Research and apparently I would be able to put the KT150 in my 750s tube amp without any modification to the units. The only reason I cant do that now is because they claim they dont have enought KT150s on hand to properly match the quantity I need for the 750s. I guess this means they might adjust the bias of the KT150 in such a way that it works with my units. I have no ETA from them since they claim being very busy with the G series at the moment.

I am tempted to try sourcing the KT150s myself but given I am not them impact of the bias current have and the matching issues as well if I was to get them from the web, I guess I will be patient. I only have 700 hours on my 750s anyway so I can live with the set of KT120s I have for now! "