New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!
Keep looking at the Lamp. Would love to hear one. I have this
12 chip dac tower that I use
in conjunction with an Altmann input receiver. A tiny [except
for the marine battery and capacitor bank} thing with sound
as big as my room can hold. And plan on this. 1794 again using the
Altmann as an input receiver in a brass chassis all
mechanically grounded with adjustable harmonic control. Need
to hear the Lamp before I move away from what I have. Great
to know and hear about super high value audio products such
as the Lamp.Enjoy the ride. Tom
Interesting links Tom, they went to my favorites list for further research.

I had my eye on the Altmann a few years back before my current, an NOS AD1865K based Dac with Duelund Cast output caps to great effect.
Even if you don't buy one, there is a ton of info and insight flowing from those guys that may help with any digital purchase. Tom

Interesting site. My concern would be the power supply and the quality and sound of it. The Lampy has a very robust power supply helping it sound the way it does. In my experience the power supply is the difference maker!
I agree. I don't have a stock piece of gear in house. We will have a different take on the power supply. Can't have to much of the most important thing. Any plans from you on cap replacement or rolling of those parts after further play time? Tom