I visited the Lampizator suite every day. By Friday I was very impressed with the L7's character, but I didn't like the overall sound. I thought the room was way too small and the speakers questionable. I had never really paid much attention to the various Lampizator models, but I think I prefer the L7.
It was only after I heard high hat on it that I was satisfied that it was full range. I am hoping to get a better listen to it in my system.
I seem to have very dissimilar tastes to many here. With quad dsd on the horizon and double dsd now available, I don't think vinyl as normally heard is the standard anymore. Sony is going to put all of its master tapes on quad dsd. This represents about forty percent of the master tapes in the world. Digital in this form will soon be the standard. I have heard double dsd and it is really real sounding. I can only imagine what quad dsd will sound like.
I must say that quad dsd is going to require new dac chips and solutions on how to get it to the dac from the drive.
It was only after I heard high hat on it that I was satisfied that it was full range. I am hoping to get a better listen to it in my system.
I seem to have very dissimilar tastes to many here. With quad dsd on the horizon and double dsd now available, I don't think vinyl as normally heard is the standard anymore. Sony is going to put all of its master tapes on quad dsd. This represents about forty percent of the master tapes in the world. Digital in this form will soon be the standard. I have heard double dsd and it is really real sounding. I can only imagine what quad dsd will sound like.
I must say that quad dsd is going to require new dac chips and solutions on how to get it to the dac from the drive.