New Man Cave/Theater room setup I built.

Wanted to share my Theater room setup now that its pretty much completed and see what you guys think. I wanted something detached from the main house to minimize the sound at night so the kiddos don't wake up when daddy is in there jamming or watching a movie. 

1st link with the final result and others are the progress.

That large shed must have cost a pretty penny.  I just had an 8 foot extension added on to my shed and it cost more than the original shed!  Nice work, I hope you put an alarm in it.
Not that expensive really. I built a 180 sq. ft. shed for lawn equipment and storage for under $2K. Make it a little larger and incorporate a little more refinement and there you go. Of course, if you hire it done it's a totally different story. As for the alarm, I guess it depends on where you live. I live in an area where no alarm is needed.This concept is one of my goals although I would make it much larger. Nice work djdiplomat.
Thanks both! I am fortunate to live in a very good neighborhood and I also have 2 police officer neighbors. I also do have a surveillance system and alarm though just in case. The bare bone shed cost me 7k with added options (8ft walls, thicker floor boards and nicer roof). Hardest part of the project was the wiring since I ran a set of all needed wires on 3 walls Incase I ever decided to change my arrangement.