Oilman, unfortunately, it's been so long since I've done without the oil trough I couldn't tell you too specifically. The VTF issue has to do with the fact that the oil will "float" the arm a bit and must be compensated for. The best way to do this is to accurately measure the VTF with the oil trough in place AT RECORD LEVEL, meaning your gauge must measure with the stylus at the same height off the platter than the thickness of a record. The VTF should be set for the same as you would without the oil asuming that is the "correct" VTF. As always, fine tuning by ear is the thing. Theoretically speaking, VTA should be "right" with or wthout the oil but again fine tuning by ear is the answer. In general I'm guessing you'll notice an increase in transparancy throughout the whole range that goes along with better tracking. You might want to experiment with different amounts of oil, being sure to adjust VTF accordingly. Good luck!