New Maplenoll Ariadne owner needing advice

I have recently purchased a maplenoll ariadne. I have tried to learn a little about the table but find very little information. I know the table was discontinued in the 90's but the little i have found indicated it is a very good table. I am interested to learn if there are any tricks or problems to optimizing this table. As most of you probably know, it is an air bearing platter and tonearm. I plan on putting my zxy airy 3 on the arm once I get it set up.
Oilmanmojo: Several shots of the continuing modification of the turntable base were made today. When I understand the process of downloading , those pic's and more will be posted.

The turntable base was detailed , scraping excess Roma & covering all the clay on the back-side with Scotch Brand Blue Painters Tape. Worked like a charm. I believe I shall leave it "as is" with no further painting . On the top-side,the lower bearing housing was seated with a interface between it and the Roma. I carefully & lightly tightened bushings w/washers to the bearing plate taines. According to what I have read this is a bit trickey to advoid the plate from going out of round . So far so good. And again, nothing I did can not be revised or reversed.
Oilmanmojo: Perhaps you can help me. I broke the air barb that screws into the the air manifold and have yet to locate a part source. I believe we shaire the same manifold. Have you by chance ever unscrewed the barb off for sizing or do you know of a source for one ? Many Thanks
Back to the Flip Side: I changed my opinion and repainted the back of the table. My reasoning was not soley for appearances . On reflection, I recalled factory/military applications when paint is applied as a deadner to "clamp-down" on vibes. Very 1920'ish. Following a good cleaning , lite sanding and lots of taping I applied a quick-dry black gloss with a hard finish. Nice uniform look and with some vibe/pulse deadening. I took a pic of the completed work I will post as soon as I learn the process. Homework never ends.
Crem1, are you sure your broken hose barb is metric? A 1/8" pipe thread is very very close to 10mm X 1.0, and all the fittings on my Athena are 1/8 pipe. This is taper thread, so it gets tight after a couple of turns, but keep going, gently.
cxprestige--longtime athena owner and inveterate tinkerer...
i will look at the barb tonite and see of i can find a source. Some of my instrumentation guru's at work might have a source.Surprised at mcmaster-carr response. Always had good success with them