New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones

The purchase of Wilson audio's Maxx II has me thinking about getting some new monoblocks. I already own ML 33s and ML 33h will sell the later. The ASR will stay as well.
I want to try some new designs and am having a tuff time deciding upon which one. The reason is strictly for change, eat the same food everyday you get my drift.
The list of amps are:
Ayre, Linn, Pass, Lamm.......
and also some tubed units:
Lamm, Air Tight, Audio Research, VTL, Covergent Audio...
Has anybody heard these paired together in a system, if so what impressions do you have.

Thanks for reading.
i would vote for the Lamm 2.1 SET since you already have the MLs.

i've heard the new VTLs on Wilsons several times and they really don't do it for me.

I've owned the Maxx 2's for two years. Based on my own experiences and comparisons I would seek audition of the Audio Research 210 or 610T mono's, Atmasphere MA2mk.2.3's and Lamm Hybrid models. I've also heard very positive feedback from freinds with the Maxx 2's who have tried the VTL Siegfrieds and S400.

I believe Wilson uses a pair of the Audio Research 610T's as references, as well as some of the Lamm amps.

I have owned Essence amps/preamps and _cannot recommend_ them for a variety of reasons based on my experiences. I'm surprised they were even mentioned. If you own the ML 33's, then you own exceptional solid state amps that will not sound "flat" dynamically. No need to go looking for headaches.
Essence amps were built from about the mid-90's until several years ago. The owner, Dale Pitcher, sold the company and is now with Intuitive Design. I believe only about 300 amps and preamps were built and they are the best equipment I have ever heard, something shared by others who share in a "cult" following. Samuel, you are the first person who I have ever heard who didn't rave about Essence gear, but there is no arguing in matters of taste, especially when synergy with other components are involved. They come up on Audiogon from time to time.