New Place - What Would You Do?

Caution: Epic novella.

Just as I was about to downsize, I’ve decided to move back to a larger place. I will be getting my gear/software back from my ex in about a month or so. What I need to do is plan where I’m setting up, and how. I need to budget to tame the rooms sound-wise (curtains, rugs, panels if needed...). The house layout is insanely open, great for your feng shui, terrible for sound.

Here's a link to the floor plan of the house. with measurements and a few photos to give you an idea of what I'm up against. These are old photos. The place has zero furniture at the moment and all of downstairs is now hardwood (you'll see carpet in living room photos).

The house is a nightmare for audio. I’m familiar with this floor plan from a former life, and this is the worst version possible. You’ll notice there’s markings for speaker cable access as well as built in speakers (JBL I think). This can all be accessed by the coat closet next to the downstairs bathroom. I think the original owner had his gear rack in there. At one point I was considering using the master bedroom – which would be perfect, but I’ve been domesticated so I think I’ll keep it as a bedroom. Anyway, I’ve got 3 potential listening rooms.

1) Family room. It includes the kitchen, and really, entry area. Besides the kitchen and catwalk, it’s a 20’ ceiling. The upper rooms form a circle around the perimeter. While it’s the largest room, it’s also one I don’t think I can tame, even dedicating more money than I’d like for sound treatment. Additionally, the idiotic placement of the office doors, and almost floor to ceiling windows on one side make placing a tv a daunting task. About the only thing I’ve figured is just put it in front of the window. Sadly, it’s a room I’ll hang in a lot, so maybe the TV will still be there and some stand-mounts.

2) Living room. I’m 90% sure this is the room to use. It’s relatively contained, although about 70% of one wall is open, to the dining area and the 20’ entry ceiling. The guy that built the place fancied himself an AV buff, so there’s speaker wire running to the green X’s. The living room is where he’d obviously set up his screen and projector and “surround” system. The ceiling is tiered, and 12’ high in the center. Same w/dining. Also the room that sadly makes the most sense for a screen.

3) Bed 2. In my old similar layout, I had this room extended over the wasted space entry, it was about 12x19, with reinforced joists and dedicated panel. It was awesome. This room however is about 10x12, has 2 poorly placed doors, but is at least carpeted and contained with a 10’ ceiling. So, tiny. Welcome to the SF Bay Area!

As mentioned, my ex has had my gear for 5 years, but I’m getting it back – woo-hoo! Plus, about 2k LPs and 1.5k CDs. I’m assuming it’s all in working order but who knows. Fingers crossed!

Current Gear:
- BAT VK-220 amp
- BAT VK 3Xi pre
- Oppo BDP-105? CD/DVD (Been so long I don’t remember)
- Music Hall MMF 7.x turntable
- Thiel 2 2 speakers
- Adcom GFA-555 II amp
- Adcom GFP-585 pre

Yes, it's all just mid-fi but might start building as I put my life back together again. I'm 20 years behind the curve. I'm also really a 2-channel music person first and foremost. I'd like to get my digital collection on an NAS, but not a priority. I'd also like to figure out this streaming thing. I'm 100% clueless. I'd love to keep my current gear and just add on. 5 weeks ago I was looking at getting some bookshelf speakers for my townhouse, but now? I'm considering some KEF R700/7's, as I'm not sure what shape the Thiels are still in.

So, you can recommend what you think I should do, or what you'd do for you! There's a lot of things I'm just not aware of on the market. I'd love a 75" TV but where would I put it? How?  Feel free to ask questions, this already got too long! I appreciate any of your thoughts on this.
If you're going to use the double height space for audio (I happen to have high ceilings and love it) you could easily hide some sound absorption in the area where the plants are currently, and the flat surfaces above that.  Thats a lot of surface area and can be covered with fabric covered fiberglass - same color as the walls for a more seamless look.

The other thing is (and I didn't  see a pic of the ceiling) is to create some form of cloud up there.  You could get super creative and build one that looks like a piece of sculpture, or perhaps imagine a large white curve on its side hanging down vertical from the ceiling.  LED lighting could even be incorporated shooting up and down.  

Most importantly find a solution for as many of the corners, in the entire house as you can.  Even the tiny roomtunes triangle's I used to use,  tamed the echo-slap type reverb in a loft space with high ceilings I used to have them in.  (and that was with no rugs, upholstery or curtains!!!)

The corner trap can be fairly small in surface area (like 12" per side ) and still make a significant impact on the everyday acoustics for tv and conversations as well as music. I don't know who makes them that small today.

Theres a ton of windows so depending on what window treatment (if any) you choose, you may solve a lot of the problems.  If you went with thicker curtains however, then I might consider adding diffusion.  

In a space like that you may need extra bass so think about subs.  It would be perfect for a huge distributed bass swarm.    

For a different  approach I would look at the Ohm 5000 for the large open area. Just something to consider they are supposed to work good in large areas that aren't perfect. 
Check your enclosures (speakers, amps, etc) for dead animals/fish. I’m serious. A couple we were friends with split up. She wanted me to open their TV cabinet (back in the day prior to flat screens, he loved this TV, and she hated him for it, but was about to return it to him) and put a freshly run-over squirrel inside, then strip the screws on the back cover so he’d not be able to open it back up. Hoping it would take a few days of TV watching before it smelled up his new apartment. And, of course, ruin the TV.
I would put them where you are going to play them the most.  I would also add two large REL subwoofers.  That will help to fill in the space.

You are never going to make things perfect.  Just put them where you are most likely to listen to music and where you want to entertain guests.