Dude, these are your "forever" speakers. You've concluded that you, at 65, finally deserve some really good sound. Congrats. And, btw, you're correct, with the right system your music listening will go up. Don't let your wife accidentally derail this opportunity. She's very reasonably responding to photographs and what she imagines she'll like, but her criteria at this point are primarily visual. Everyone is surprised by great sound. Build the system that amazes sonically and visual acceptance will follow.
Also, notice I said "system". What is the rest of yours? $100,000 speakers with mediocre gear sounds just as bad as $400 speakers with mediocre gear, worse actually. Not implying you gear is mediocre, just saying the consideration is far more extensive than just the speakers. Which means, and I'm sorry to say this, that you should be prepared to spend more on other parts. Everything needs to "match", "be at roughly the same level." What you're going for is your "forever system". Sorry, it's a nasty mission.
I don't have them but given your room I wonder if KEF Blades or Blades 2 (used most likely) with their side firing woofers isn't something to consider. I'm sure others with experience with them can weigh in.
I've been down this road, WAF, gear mismatch and all. She now loves the stereo, even though the speakers are out into the room, even though she has always looked somewhat askance at me replacing some component that seemed like it was in perfect working condition. When you finally get there, everyone will be happy.
Also, notice I said "system". What is the rest of yours? $100,000 speakers with mediocre gear sounds just as bad as $400 speakers with mediocre gear, worse actually. Not implying you gear is mediocre, just saying the consideration is far more extensive than just the speakers. Which means, and I'm sorry to say this, that you should be prepared to spend more on other parts. Everything needs to "match", "be at roughly the same level." What you're going for is your "forever system". Sorry, it's a nasty mission.
I don't have them but given your room I wonder if KEF Blades or Blades 2 (used most likely) with their side firing woofers isn't something to consider. I'm sure others with experience with them can weigh in.
I've been down this road, WAF, gear mismatch and all. She now loves the stereo, even though the speakers are out into the room, even though she has always looked somewhat askance at me replacing some component that seemed like it was in perfect working condition. When you finally get there, everyone will be happy.