On the contrary :) I have a very good sense of humor, at least my mom thinks I do :) my girl friend, not so much all the time, especially when I try to justify why buying another piece of expensive gear is a smart financial move :)
I take you at your word, no harm no foul. I really just wanted to make sure my words were quoted correctly.
You mention ion you have a 1200, it it a SL 1200 mk X or one of the newer generation SL 1200's (GAE, G or GR). Their is a world of difference between the prior generation of SL 1200's and the new twin rotor core-less design (the GR is a single rotor core-less design)
i do realize there is not right answer regarding your choice as it is just that, your choice and preference.
Listening to Stevie R. Vaughn on 200g/45 on the GAE as I type this, good times!