New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option

Hi Folks:
It looks like Teres is now offering a direct drive motor as an option on their regualar tables. As a Teres 255 owner I'm contemplating the upgrade. Has anyone tried the new motor on there existing/old Teres, and does it seem like the upgrade is worth it? Here's a link to the new product:

I've been watching the Teres website on an off for a long time and one disturbing trend (from my point of view) is the escalating price structure. What surprises me here on this thread is how several people commented that this new motor sounded interesting and they were going to try it, seemingly without ever even having had it in there system. You can buy a very nice turntable for the price of this motor and I fail to see why it should cost this much. Perhaps participants here have a lot more disposable income to throw around than I do. As for myself, if I were planning to drop this kind of money on a diy turntable, I'd go for a real direct drive. There is something about this idea of the motor leaning against the edge of the platter that strikes me as kludgy.
Well, Willster. It's like this. Many of us have first hand experience with the high level of quality of Chris Brady's work. So, when Chris tells folks that he's developed something worth listening to many of us tend to take notice.

I can understand your questioning, but you are speaking from a position of having no knowledge of the direct drive controller that Teres has developed or even of how Teres tables sound. Many of us are using tonearms and cartridges that are several times more that the cost of this new drive unit. I guess it's all relative.

Wrt the Verus, I think "try it" means exactly that - try it in your system. Most of those interested are Teres owners for whom the Verus is available for a trial period and as an upgrade at a different price than a new motor only purchase. Whether on the inside of the platter or the outside of the platter, whether the friction comes from a mechanism or from gravity, the architecture seems basically the same, compared to, say, a belt drive.

Willster, I do agree one cannot fully appreciate the quality and value of Teres tables by looking at their website.

Dan_ed, thanks for your comments but you are not quite correct. I don't own a Teres but that doesn't mean I don't have any experience with their products. A close friend has been using their gear for years and I've listened numerous times. He decided to build his own plinth for his Teres and when he dis-assembled his setup he found that the platter bearing was already very worn and noisy and he replace it with something a local machinist came up with. The new bearing was much superior. This kind of begged the question as to whether Chris Brady's judgment was always infallible.

Your comment about Chris telling folks that he has something new worth listening to speaks directly to what I was getting at. Several on this thread have implied that they are considering buying this motor without doing what you just suggested, i.e. listening to it first.

Also, if I read between the lines, you seem to imply that perhaps I don't have experience with top notch gear. This is not the case. My reaction was more based on my original impression of the Teres gear being presented as a way to get top performance without paying supertable prices because of the diy aspect, yet Teres tables and parts just seem to be getting more and more expensive.

Of course, as always, you spend your own money anyway you see fit. What is it about a stand alone motor of this type that would cause it to cost over $1600? I've spent considerably more on many things in my system, but not without a listen first.
Concerning the 'Verus', any thoughts about what it's use will do to the finish, and more long term, the wood itself, of the platter?

I.e., a rim drive system engineered from the ground up would probably dictate a ring of another, more friction-tolerant material, built into the platter . Aluminum. Steel. PVC. Etc.