New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!

You joined Audiogon a few days ago and it appears it was solely to bash the Hoffman website and spew your views. Troll much?  One thing I've noticed when browsing over there is they are a little less neurotic and obsessed in general with contact fluid and what density of carbon fibre used to elevate their cables. 

What you fail to see isn't that Hoffman or Audiogon for that matter are right wing/left wing its that most people dont care to discuss politics or vaccines with someone who isnt objective and open minded. I dont care if you believe one way or the other on any issue. I have an opinion and the only time I get bent out of shape is when someone confuses their own opinion as an absolute. Who someone chooses to love, who they choose to vote for, how they spend their money and on what...thats your/their choice. Those who choose to get vaccinated or not...that will kind of work itself out.

Why is it that so many get so infuriated when someone disagrees with them? I see it all the time on this site where people get up in arms that their tax dollars are being spent on X, Y or Z and if they were any good at math, their tax dollars alone couldn't build one quarter mile of road let alone fund one nurse at the local hospital. Relax everyone, enjoy your hifi or not but jeez....when I'm listening to music in my home I have yet to feel outrage at what some schmoe in a Seattle suburb feels about: immigration policy, or Karl Marx, or Gil Scott-Heron, or Ice T, or same sex marriage, or (fill in the blank).

Trolls like @aconstitutionalist SHOULD, however, be considered for an experiment to see what it feels like to be 3/5th's of a human just to understand and gain perspective.
People acting like their opinion is fact? Pish Posh!  There are a lot of opinions I don't agree with,both in the political realm,and the audio realm. However,I firmly believe that no one should be banned from anything for an opposing view. There does seem to be a lot of that going on in the world. Freedom of speech,means,just that,FREEDOM. I don't care which isle you sit in, this is still America. You have the right to voice your opinion,just as well as everyone else. I try,(I'm not always successful) to treat folks with the same dignity I like to be treated with. 
I would appreciate the opportunity to answer ghasley's post about my comments on the Steve Hoffman Forum.  As members we all just get extremely tired of seeing our posts deleted or his Gorts coming in and causing trouble.  

You make my point, and that point is WHY do people get so angry that someone else has a different opinion, and I agree with you assessment 500%, why do they?   This is a free country and all opinions should be considered UNLESS the member is foul, ugly, vulgar, or does not address things professionally, however this is not the case with Hoffman's forum.  He is a far left activist and with his forum he deletes opinions and members that are not far left in their thinking.  You are incorrect to say I am bashing the Hoffman Forum, I speak the truth, he has stifled free speech for years with his forum, and I'm not speaking of audio reviews, I'm speaking of OFF SUBJECT conversations that often take on a political left or right lean, and he always sends his Gorts into the mix to purge any and all moderate viewpoints, and we members just get a bit fed up with his actions and his attitude to NOT tolerate any views on a multitude of subjects where there are clearly two points of view.  No kidding ghasley, we just get tired of it, it needs to stop, call it ranting raving, whatever, we are just tired of it.

For years I have seen members purged from the rolls, not for posting obscene or indecent posts but rather just taking a moderate, conservative approach, an I feel compelled to offer some resistance to Hoffman's need to stifle free speech, which is what he has done for many years, so I am the crusader interested in seeing this change after so many years of heavy censorship from him and this Jerry the Gort, who absolutely does not need to be a moderator, I can assure you.

A few observations.

Why do you want to hang out on a forum that is as you describe as "far-left" if you don’t lean that way? You don’t have to fix everyone, that is too heavy a burden for anyone. They don’t have to want to be fixed either.

You don’t have the right to free speech on a private forum. Period.

Finally, my sister has a cat. (Which is equally as relevant as you coming to Audiogon to complain about Hoffman). Why do you care? What difference does it make?

"For years I have seen members purged from the rolls, not for posting obscene or indecent posts but rather just taking a moderate, conservative approach, an I feel compelled to offer some resistance to Hoffman’s need to stifle free speech, which is what he has done for many years, so I am the crusader interested in seeing this change after so many years of heavy censorship from him and this Jerry the Gort, who absolutely does not need to be a moderator, I can assure you."

I can’t say that I’ve noticed this, but then I tend to dip in there once in a while or if I’m looking for the sound quality lowdown on a particular album.

In any case perhaps we should cut the host some slack from time to time?

You must admit there are some incredibly knowledgeable posters on that site.

And yes Steve Hoffman is not infallible. I was quite surprised to find that when I side by side compared Steve’s mastering of Nat King Cole Story collection to the box set put out by the Bear Family that I preferred the latter.

Shocking, but true!