shadorne ...
After 50+ years spent in a 100% commissioned sales career, my skin is about two feet thick. Your misinformed personal attacks and insults have no effect on me at all ... NONE. I hope you have a great 2018. Carry on ...
ehtoo ...
1. Release date will be in about two weeks if everything goes well. Stay tuned.
2. The binder is different. No oily mess.
3. This one really works ... and it works WAY beyond the price point for the product.
nkonor ..
Sorry, no 30 day trial. Unlike other products that may be returned for credit, like fuses for example, this one cannot be resold. If it were allowed, Tim would end up with a bunch of returned, half-full tubes.
Take a look at some of the stinking thinking in this thread ... and also the SR fuse threads being displayed by the very same negative souls. If they are so dishonest that they would denigrate a product without trying it, or knowing the effects even before a release date, would they be honest enough to give a fair evaluation of the product without using half of it, (which is more than enough to do an entire system), then sending the half tube back for a refund?
This is where the free market comes into play. The initial purchasers will be taking the risk. If it works like I and others have said, then word of mouth will make the product successful. If the consumer doesn’t like it, the product will fall out of favor and it will fail.
Read both of the SR fuse threads. The SR fuses are a great product currently being enjoyed by tens of thousands of consumers who are delighted with the results. And yet ... the naysayers are still spouting their nonsense about after market fuses.
I’m beginning to think that some of the Debbie Downers have ulterior motives in their attempted destruction of any new product. Could it be that they have their own tweak businesses like Geoff, or perhaps they work for another manufacturer and are threatened by innovators like Ted Denny and Tim Mrock? Or even more likely, they lead narrow, darkened little lives and get their rocks off by tearing at the seams of the dreams of others.
You can totally rely on one thing ... none of the genius naysayers in this and the fuse threads will have the testicular fortitude to step forward and be the first in line to buy it. In fact, they will stay in the background, continue to be drop-dead stupid, and remain as Negative Nellie’s and continue telling the rest of us what we don’t hear. They will NEVER buy the product even with all of the positive results being reported.
Geoff ...
Your reading comprehension needs work, Junior. In a previous post on page two I said this:
" 7. I tried the SR Black and the SR Blue fuses without the "Total Contact," and with it. With it was clearly the better option. Like the other applications to power cords and IC’s for example, the results are the same type of improvement in SQ. So go ahead ... paste the end caps of your fuses and you’ll get an improvement there also. It works on every electrical contact from your circuit breakers to your speaker terminals."
The very least you can do Geoff, would be to read the text before making your inane negative comments. Alcohol is a wonderful drug, isn’t it Sonny?