Well Frank, since you don’t mind bantering back and forth with the detractors and I’m all out of ’safe places’ to hide, I would appreciate your opinion and answers to a few questions and concerns regarding your posts about this product since Mr. Mroz has evidently appointed you spokesperson by proxy. Let’s begin:
Do you agree that there’s merit in the old saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"...?
As evidenced in some of your posts, one could be led to believe you’re prone to hyperbolic prose. How are we to distinguish fact from hyperbole in your original post?
What the heck is micro-arching? You wrote it twice so I don’t believe it was a typo. I can’t find a definition or explanation for it anywhere. Did you mean micro-arcing as the retired audio reviewer said in his review? So, what the heck is micro-arcing? I can’t find that anywhere either. You stated the paste eliminates it (well, micro-arching anyway). So, surely you must know what it is besides, you know, tiny electrical arcs (or arches?) that no one on the internet I can find has ever discussed. Please correct me if I am in error.
Tell me again why this ’magic paste’ (your words) doesn’t even come with a money back guarantee? Wait, I remember. To paraphrase your words, it’s because (Tim?) would end up with a bunch of returned half used tubes that he couldn’t resell. What are you implying? It appears that it means Mr. Mroz finds ’bunches’ of his fellow Audiogoner’s and well, people in general (if in fact he is marketing his product elsewhere) to be inherently dishonest. They would use it in their systems, reap the benefits of its ’magic’ then dishonestly return the unused portion for a refund. Is that correct? Does he feel that way? If not, what did you mean by your words?
And what is most curious: It appears by your and Tom’s and the reviewer’s posts that there’s nothing in the way of electrical equipment and electronic products that this paste doesn’t vastly improve upon. It can even reduce your electric bill and help save the environment! I find it interesting the audio reviewer attributed all these electrical benefits to the paste and didn’t even consider that at least some of the improvements might have come from the fact Mr. Mroz and associate spent 11 hours cleaning and polishing every singe electrical contact all over his house, including the meter box, service boards and circuit breakers. If this paste can do everything that it’s been claimed to do,(and I’m not saying it can’t) this product is a game changer on a global scale. Electronics corporations, electric companies, the defense and aerospace industries, battery manufacturers, the automotive industry, myriad multi-billion dollar corporations should be lining up for this product. And yet, you’re here on our little forum touting it as a simple ’tweak’ to our stereo systems, and Mr. Mroz is busy putting it in tiny 1.5 ml tubes ("that come with a large syringe"...!) Don’t you find that odd? Isn’t that ridiculously small potatoes compared to its potential for such large scale industrial applications? No sane entrepreneur would miss out on such lucrative sales potential. Wouldn’t you think it’s more economical production wise to sell it by the drum to these corporate giants as opposed to packaging it in such minuscule amounts? Is large scale production in the works? Oh, right, I forgot. There would have to be concrete scientific data to prove that it actually does what it’s claimed to do. There would have to be proof of measured improvements. There would have to be a guarantee that it works as promised. But, as far as I can tell, until Mr. Mroz states otherwise, there isn’t any of that. Silly me. I forgot this, too. You Don't need proof of anything if your just selling it to audio enthusiasts. Do you see why there is skepticism? I honestly hope it works as you and Tom described. I really do. It would benefit society and our environment in so many ways....