I don’t care why or how TC works. Just like blue SR fuses, duplexes, Stillpoints, Townsend Seismic Sink, equipment stands and Shakti Hallographs, they are essential tweaks besides my various cables and tube incarnations except I found the tweaks stay in my system for a long time.
>>>>I’m not sure I can be quite so cavalier about things. Actually, a large portion of this thread is concerned with precisely how and why this product works, as well it should. I doubt NASA would be so cavalier about how a thing works, especially something that is getting so much attention these days. It is important, for example, to know why Graphene is located on the exterior of the SR Black Fuse, not inside the fuse (as a conductor) as so many have assumed. I doubt the Defense Dept. is cavalier about Graphene. Or MIT. Or China. If we don’t figure out how and why a thing works we wouldn’t be able to know how and where to use it. Most audiophile tweaks really require some sort of explanation as to how and why they work; otherwise we wouldn’t know how to use them in our rooms or systems. You don’t just plop Shakti Stones or Shakti Hallographs just any old place. You have to know how they work. Same for Mpingo discs, Tube Traps, crystals, cables with arrows, even Townsend and Seismic Sink require some knowledge how to set them up properly, no? Have audiophiles really become a group of complacent spoon fed ostriches?