Frank asked, “Where does one buy Quicksilver Gold these days? Is that what Walker sells?”
Whoa! What? You’re aren’t exactly boosting your street cred with questions like that, Frank. 😬First there was Silclear from Mapleshade. I’m speaking only of silver based stuff here. Not Cramolin, Deoxit, all those Craig conditioners, cleaners, etc. there is Sol Electret from PWB as well that I also use and recommend for electrical contacts. Then there was the Walker Stuff. I’m pretty sure SST is what Walker sells now and has sold for a very long time. Not sure if it was his very first product. Next came Quicksilver from your buddy and mine, Brian. (I carry on with my version of one of Brian’s products, actually, that I got permission to sell from his family. The Tourmaline Gun.) Quicksilver was followed some years later by Quicksilver Gold, in which some Gold was added to the silver. Since I was down with all of the silver based contact enhancers since Day One I think I can say without fear of contradiction Quicksilver Gold was the top dog. 🐕 Having said that, Walker and/or Pierre may or may not have improved their products over years, who the heck knows? 😳 Most likely they have bigger fish to fry🐟 you know, like a $100K turntable.
Geoff Kait, audio insider
Whoa! What? You’re aren’t exactly boosting your street cred with questions like that, Frank. 😬First there was Silclear from Mapleshade. I’m speaking only of silver based stuff here. Not Cramolin, Deoxit, all those Craig conditioners, cleaners, etc. there is Sol Electret from PWB as well that I also use and recommend for electrical contacts. Then there was the Walker Stuff. I’m pretty sure SST is what Walker sells now and has sold for a very long time. Not sure if it was his very first product. Next came Quicksilver from your buddy and mine, Brian. (I carry on with my version of one of Brian’s products, actually, that I got permission to sell from his family. The Tourmaline Gun.) Quicksilver was followed some years later by Quicksilver Gold, in which some Gold was added to the silver. Since I was down with all of the silver based contact enhancers since Day One I think I can say without fear of contradiction Quicksilver Gold was the top dog. 🐕 Having said that, Walker and/or Pierre may or may not have improved their products over years, who the heck knows? 😳 Most likely they have bigger fish to fry🐟 you know, like a $100K turntable.
Geoff Kait, audio insider