New way for audiophiles to die!

This is no joke. I was reading the obituaries online as I usually do. There was an advertisement for cremation with a picture of a vinyl record. That caught my attention. The ad stated that cremated remains can be turned into many different objects including vinyl records! Who woulda thunk. I don't have the link but it was Click on obits or google it. This opens new possibilities. What genre of music do you want to come back as? Joe 
Not a nice subject to bring up, but it would be more efficient to bury people in circular casts vertically. You would only need a post hole digger and much less space needed, if you wanted to remain intact rather "blowin' in the wind"...
Man, Soylent Green!

I believe that was Edward G. Robinson’s final film - no pun intended. 

However, the recycling into vinyl thing does present a problem for some of us who’ve grown up with the religious sentiment - and I paraphrase - that we are in effect “dust, and to dust we shall return.”

LP’s and dust?  Vinyl’s kryptonite!