Newb on the loose

Have a ClearAudio Concept TT with ClearAudio Satisfy carbon arm with a Denon DL 110 attached. It's all plugged into a Jolida JD9 II phono pre. It sounds nice, but I think the table/arm are capable of better. And yes, I have tubes coming for the Jolida. Anyways, being somewhat unschooled as of today, I'm unsure of what to watch for as far as arm/cart/phono pre matching goes.
Would you gentlemen be so kind as to let me know what carts are compatible with my set up please. Prefer HOMC, but willing to try a quality MM as well. I don't want to purchase a step up transformer at this point, so that limits my options.
Anyone have any suggestions?? Something I can live with for a year or two before upgrading again. And please don't say Denon DL 110 please.

So If I were install the ClearAudio Concerto V2 to specs....

Then I would turn on switch #3 for gain, and then switch #1 and #8 for the impedance/loading correct? ...Link... go to page 8.
The Concerto v.2 is what I would call medium output. I would try the MC high setting or medium on the gain (Switch 2) which is incorrectly called impedance in the manual. If you don't have enough gain, you can try switch 3 but you may get too much tube rush. Use Switch 2 (300 ohm) on the impedance switch.
Your tonearm has an effective mass of 9 grams( on the low side). Make sure the cartridge you decide to get is one of higher compliance. Just remember high compliance cartridge lower mass tonearm, low compliance cartridge higher mass tonearm.
Additional mass can be added to the arm to help stabilize a low compliance mc cart. The AT OC9/II LOMC will work on the arm. It has a higher compliance that other LOMC carts. IMO, the compliance is higher than stated. YMMV.
Shawn, the JD9 II isn't going to limit your choice of cartridges. It has more options than most phono preamps and the design appears to be especially suited to low output moving coil cartridges. I've run a few LOMC cartridges through the JD9 and the preamp did well with each of them.

What you need to consider is why you want to change cartridges in the first place. You say you want better but aren't clear on what you don't like about your current setup. Is it the tonal balance? Too much or too little bass or treble? Does your system sound overly bright, or dull and muddy? Are you looking for more detail and resolution?

And have you tried making some changes in your room acoustics? You can do a lot to improve the sound by making simple changes in wall or floor coverings or speaker placement. Plus, until you try swapping out the tubes in your JD9 you won't really know what you're looking for. I found that certain tubes could tame what I considered a bright-sounding setup and make listening to the same cartridge and preamp very enjoyable.

I'd hold off on buying another cartridge until you get to know the JD9 (and the rest of your system) better by doing some critical listening to learn what you're looking for. Then you can search for a cartridge that complements your system.
