newbie DAC question


I broke into the HiFi world about two years ago and l would love to know if a DAC would improve my system in a way that's worth my while. I currently have the following setup:

- Elac Debut B6s
- Music Hall A15.2 integrated
- Onkyo C7030 CD player
- Sextet and Bel interconnnects borrowed from a buddy
- Speakers are on stands carefully placed where they work best with the carpeted room.

I've read good reviews on the Musical Fidelity V90DAC and several Schiit models, but I can't determine, based on any literature out there, if my setup is at a level that would make a DAC worthwhile (or even noticeable). If it WOULD make a difference, does anyone have any suggestions for coaxial or optical interconnnects to go along with it?

Thank you much!

@mesch that's a great idea. And I will most certainly ask them about the potential improvement. Do you have any coax cable recommendations? I've been eying up Blue Jeans Cables tentatively.


Hi Kremrik, if you just play Redbook cd's  you may get a better sound by using the Schitt  Bifrost Dac (with Multibit upgrade) which makes it better for PCM (Redbook replay) and you can try it for 15 days as well or return it.

Cheers George 

@georgelofi that's good to know, thanks! What makes the multibit better than the standard one? Is that the same as the "analog upgrade" I keep reading about?

Multibit is said to be "Bit Perfect" for the conversion of PCM (Redbook dc) many hiend manufactures are reverting back to it for PCM replay, after going down the cheaper Delta Sigma conversion way, like Schitt did for this Bifrost which is Delta Sigma, and now the upgrade for it is back to Multibit dac.

Your Onkyo btw is a Delta Sigma based dac converter. It will be interesting to see what you think the sound difference is playing Redbook cd using it as a transport into the Schitt Multibit dac.

Myself, the sound of Redbook when converted with a properly implemented Multibit dac has a dynamic  jump factor and a body to the midrange that Delta Sigma can’t match, it’s sweet and laid back but a bit of a yawn to listen to after a while, and doesn’t excite and keep your attention like Multibit can on rock, middle of the road, or classical.    

Cheers George  

@georgelofi fantastic description, thank you for taking the time to explain. I'm leaning towards a B-stock Bifrost multibit now :)