Newbie here with a cable question

Hello all. For a couple years now I have been piecing together a McIntosh system and am ready to hook it up but I have no idea what cables I will need. I know it’s a broad question but, could someone tell me what I will need and what brand. Don’t want to break the bank but I still want high quality. ANY help, advice would be most helpful. I would just like to buy it and tuck it away for when I am ready to set it up. Here is my system:

Avid Acutus Turntable
McIntosh MC 275 IV tube amp
McIntosh C2200 tube pre amp
Mcintosh MCD 550 cd player

(still need to get speakers...thinking Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL)
(also was told I should get a power system like Furman but no idea on this)

Thank you in advance guys, and again....I would appreciate ANY advice, model, brand you will give me.
My hope is to just make a list out of what you all tell me and just go buy it so I am all set when I am ready to hook everything up. Happy Holidays people.

You need three pairs of interconnects and one pair of speaker cables you may need something different from your turntable that has a ground..the length of the cables is up to you. Once again 16 gauge for the speakers and 20 gauge for the interconnects. If you ask them nicely at part Connexion they may make the interconnects for you. I use a cablepro star grounded power strip and it works well for about $300.00. I hate power conditioners but that is just me. Have fun .
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I was mistaken parts connexion does make the Duelund interconnects with rca connections.