Newbie With Magnepan 1.7is

Hi all,

My name is Peter and I recently purchased a pair of year-old Magnepan 1.7i speakers from someone local after hearing them in person (he was running a PS DAC Directstream + pre-amp + amp, playing DSD files from computer + could change songs via Wi-Fi on his phone--with no sub, stuff was awesome!).

I’m looking for some advice on what to get for my own set-up. My room will be a 17’ x 16’ living room with wood floors, and 10’ of the 17’ side will open up to a dining area. The corner on the far side of the same 17’ wall will open up about 3 feet along the 16’ to a long hallway. I would like to set up the Maggies for music, and the occasional movie (maybe 2-5% of the time). Would like to be able to play music via Wi-Fi and be able to change songs on my computer and/or phone. (My computer is really good already since I built it for photo-editing purposes, but would I need a dedicated sound card?) Also would like to be able to add a subwoofer down the line (maybe in 3-5 years).

So far, I have:
- Magnepan 1.7i (pair)
- PeachTree 220 Amp

Trying to keep my budget for pre-amp + BT bypass + cables under $1,200. Am OK with used/older equipment here. The guy who sold me the Maggies told me I could do a receiver + amp. Can make me some recommendations?

Thanks in advance!
Hi mazerunner,
kind'a in a similar situation to yours, I recently bought a pair of 3.7i's and decided to go the separates route.
Looking to add an Esoteric Sacd player, and a preamp to my levinson amp.
for speaker cables I saw a few people recommend Nordost blue amongst others, but I went ahead with Wireworld eclipse 7.
As for a sub, Magnepan has it's own DWM which works almost like a sub and Many recommend it; so if the time comes that you feel you need more slam look into these.
As for the occasional movie watching, I dont think you'd need a center chanel as that would require the addition of another amp...perhaps just the right left chanels through your existing amp will carry you, if not then down the road add a center speaker (Magnepan has a few different ones) and look into the possibility of adding a couple of rear speakers at the same time to get a 5 chanel system (you'd need another three chanel amp then...), MMG speakers might be a good match for the rear.
BTW Chris Martens on hifi+ praised your peachtree se220 amp driving the 3.7's.
lastly get a nice rug for your wooden floors... 😉
best of luck
One thing I can recommend is to position the Maggies, if possible, no closer than 5' from the wall behind them. If that's not possible, slide them out for serious listening. Any closer than about 5', the back wave coming off the wall will interfere with the sound from the front of the panels. You'll want a good high current power amp and a sub.
@lucidear: Don’t think I’ll be doing a 5.1 or 7.1 anytime soon. Think it’ll just be a 2.1 down the line. Read the Chris Martens on HiFi+ and that’s why I bought the PeachTree 220s. But am wondering on the cables + pre-amp or receiver right now. Does the receiver have to provide a powerful enough signal to the amp? Or does it really not matter since the amp provides the power to speakers?

I was eying a Yamaha AVENTAGE RX-A2050 but wasn’t sure if it’ll go with it. Sold though. =(

How much should I spend on cables? Saw one at and am thinking about them. Seller says they’ll work for the 220 to 1.7is.

: Thanks! I saw that in several mentions about the 1.7is. Will mark off floor with a small piece of gaffe tape or something once I figure out the rest.


Still open to advice from anyone who could point me to a receiver or pre-amp (can be more than 1 part) set-up that'll allow me to play stuff off computer via Wi-Fi! :)

I can answer anything photography (I do weddings + events) if anyone wants to PM me! :D