Next upgrade: cables. But which ones first?

Please help with guidance regarding cable upgrade. I’m a total cable novice. So far I’ve focused on upgrading components and I think the next move should be cables. But where to start?

I have B&W 804S speakers, McIntosh MC275 amp, Lamm LL2D pre, Rotel RCD1072 cd player, a Squeezebox Touch, and I plan on getting a DAC in about a year. I have two 10 AWG dedicated power lines with hospital grade outlets, and the system makes no hiss, no hum. All power cords are stock (none shielded), speaker cables are magnet wire (DIY anti cables), and ICs are Nordost cheapest RCAs.

I’m trying to decide whether to upgrade speaker cables first, or power cords first. While ICs are still cheap, I guess they are a small step above the speaker and power cords. I also realize this is yet another form of source first vs. speakers first debate. Yet I need to decide what would make a larger sonic impact for about $1000. I could buy used in the US or DIY, but I’m overseas so getting a bunch of cables and trying is not an option.

Thank you!
Please be sure that you hear a difference (that you like) upgrading your cables before you spend lots of money. There is much disagreement about the (practical) value of expensive fact I know many running expensive systems using stock wire and cables because they can't hear the difference. Don't just buy into the hype unless you can hear the difference.....
Point taken: I'm not after trophy names - just better sound. So I'm not really thinking 3 PCs for $1000.
The Nordost guide was a good read. Seems PCs would be a good starting point.

I guess the next question would be: buy a used PC for about $350, or DIY for the same amount?
DIY represents a very good value for power cords. You can customize them to your needs and they are very easy to construct. Dollars spent equate to 3x to 5x equivalent retail value. The only downside is unproven resale value. If you go the DIY route you also might consider upgrading or even eliminating the IEC inlets on your equipment.

I'm not sure I agree with power cords being the bedrock of a system. Their effect is very variable and totally system dependent. It's also my experience that you have to have the rest of your system in order before you can hear the effects of power cords upgrade. It's a chicken and egg problem.
Power cords may not be the bedrock but I always found that in my system every upgrade was worth it.
I would first try a good power cord with LAMM pre-amp. And I would start with Purist Audio or Custom Power Cord Co. Not with their entry-level models and not shorter than 5ft.
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