nice turntable that plays 78s

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a turntable that plays 78s as well as 33s (45 is optional though I'd guess that most tables that play the first two would play 45). Don't want to spend more than about $500, used of course. Any recommendations? Also, will I have to change the cartridge/stylus setup when moving between 33s and 78s?

Many thanks.
I believe Rega still makes a 78 rpm-only version of the P3.

This might be overkill unless you have a lot of 78's.
Thorens actually has NEW tables that play 78's that are very nice and priced very nice also. See link below:
Since many 78 RPM records are not actually 78 RPM, the Lenco thread here at Audiogon offer an opportunity to build a very inexpensive turntable that plays fours speeds and offers the operator the ability to infinitely vary each of those speeds.
What's the word on the cheap Pro-ject tables that play at 78? I know they don't have variable speed, but I might be willing to give that up for the simplicity and reliability of a newer table.

Thanks for the suggestion, Albert, I'll look into that. How does the table sound, regardless of its variable speed?