Nightmare selling to Canada

I didn't see 'site-related' as a choice so I'm using 'misc audio'.I feel bad for Canadians wanting to buy our gear. The weight limitation---66lbs--fedex or the PO--- Then unless you lie on the form they may have to pay huge fees.--(up to 35%)????I had a deal in progress; the buyer sent a Canadian MO.I took the bank check to the operations manager at my bank.--She tells me there could be a charge back to my account for a period of up tp 45days later.---I sent the bank check back; unless the buyer wanted to wait 45 days, before I ship the item.As I was returning this check--the postal lady says I could get cash for a Canadian Postal Money Order. --I'm surprised the buyer didn't know this.---After the fact; I now know this.---Sad but true

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Peace brother.
Hey; I'm not the 'most straight arrow guy' on the planet. I do feel empathy for Canadian buyers. Especially the guys with the same hobby as me. AND then specially guys buying my piece.--Getting their merchandise must be something like getting in and out of East Berlin in the 70's.---Well kinda--a bit like.
As soon as we hear about the nuclear weapons stash we'll invade and put all this customs hassle in the past--EH??
I've got a question. I live in Canada and I sent my Krell 300i to Krell to get serviced. They are sending it back to me and I'm curious to know if I'll get charged anything when it crosses over the border again. I bought it on Audiogon from a fellow Canuck so the unit had already crossed the border a few years ago. They can't charge taxes on an item twice can they??? I assumed that it was made in States but I'm not positive. Anyone know??
Pilotboy- you would have had to have kept the original Customs documents showing the original duties/taxes paid...
You don't like paying exorbitant duties/tariffs then leave Canada; same for folks in Australia and many other socially enlightened countries. I am wondering how much duty I am going to have to pay to liberate my turntable coming from Germany; I was told I must pick it up at the Customs Office. Guess that means I need my chequebook......

Much easier to get on in life by just playing by the rules.