Nikko NT-890 Tuner

I just purchased a Nikko NT-890 Tuner at a Swap Meet for $15. I brought it home and did some restoring. I went and clean the the contacts, components, and switches. When I hooked it up, I could not believe the sound coming from this tuner. The reception is incredible strong and clean, I can pickup stations within 60 miles radius easily. Now this is only with a passive antenna. Does anyone know where this tuner falls with other brands? Thank you and happy listening
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
Nothing special. I've looked into that tuner, and wasn't terribly enthused. Nikko had already given up on producing decent tuners by the time this unit came out.
I have a model 1219 tuner and its reception with an amplified antenna is very good. I listen to many south central texas FM stations. Every once in a while the left channel makes static and goes out. I then must switch off the speakers and crank the volume. It comes back on again. The T-Lock feature is probably the coolest thing about it. I paid about $50 for it at a pawn shop back in 1989.