No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

Mr. shadowcat2016

All with this hobby are male. If there is a women there, please be kind to step up. During my 45 with this hobby, I never had an acceptation!

Well, there was one. She came for the boys that played with this audio toys. Pretty quick, she found a guy with a motorbike! Then she stopped her interest in audio.


Mr.  shadowcat2016
I'll be happy to continue this conversation with you after you get the 0 AWG cables and you find the way the get them 2x 0 AWG into a standard binding post or banana plug, in a way it will last and not be a danger of loss contact or a short circuit over an amp. channel's output!


Getting thicker or shorter or both, above that optimum, would cost more, but not be of any sonic benefit (improvement).

If we forget about cost/benefit ratio, or the total price altogether, would getting thicker and/or shorter cable than necessary (optimum) be detrimental to the sound?

I have no idea how thick 0 AWG really is but would be willing to follow shadowcat2016's example for the fun of it.

b4icu says  " Tell me pleas, if you use a TOTL US $1,000.- power cord connected to your cattle to boil some water, would it make a better tea?"

I can never get this to work.....
So, let me get this straight. In Israel women can be in the military but they can’t be audiophiles?