No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

Neither. Lies are intentional non-truth. Even the king part is debatable.

I'm no king and I'm no liar. A man is only as good as his word. I stand behind my word. Do you.

Gasbaggery aside, although in this thread it would render the page virtually empty, most high end cable manufacturers make worthwhile products in gauges that are apt for nearly anything, and unless you need to run 160 feet of wire for some reason you likely need not worry about the inane minutiae proffered here. Directionality has been noted on cables for decades, ditto the understanding of copper purity, and mind numbing exclamations using obscure factoids by hand wringing self appointed "expert" worriers, offering non-issue issues for others to pontificate (or rant) about, simply harsh the mellow of the party. Buy cables from reputable companies, plug 'em in, and try to think about the music instead of musings from thin skinned geeks.
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