No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 

Maybe a fun DIY project in my spare time would be to order this;
and these;
and then I could run 3.75 ft. lengths of two red and two black of each to my bi-wire speakers. I have a hydraulic crimp tool that has a die to accommodate 2 awg connectors so cutting and stripping the wire will be the most difficult part of the operation.  Those copper ring connectors might actually fit over my binding posts by removing the nut, installing the copper ring over the post and then replacing the nut.  About $70 to see what all the fuss is about.  Oh, BTW, I ran the calculation and 2 awg is what I need.

Mr. clearthink

Your post is amazing. Lots of negative attitude but no common sense.

You didn't demonstrate a better or other way to do it. You also didn't show a formula that would invalidate my idea.

You didn't try it by yourself or listened to someone's system that did. Some, who did try it, shared their impression. Those were good sharing.

As so, I wonder what the base of your say is.

b4icu OP "You also didn't show a formula that would invalidate my idea...You didn't try it by yourself or listened to someone's system that did."

You are confused and disoriented to suggest, request, or demand that I show a formula to disprove you're formula which you refuse to share! That is beyond common sense, reason, and logic also you have no way of knowing what I have tried or listened to your claim otherwise is unfounded, presumptuous, and erroneous.

Anyone here actually tried using jumper cable wire as speaker cable......if so, how did it compare with other speaker cables you have used?
Yup. I bought this:
and had the guy cut and crimp spade connectors on to the ends. I then added bolt on bananas to the spades which work really well.

It improved the sound quality of my speakers (B&W 802N). Sounds are clearer and less congested. Continued listening and swapping back and forth reveals the same result. Others have said the same, including my wife.

For the £150 or so it cost me I would heartily recommend it.
I upgraded from Van Dam blue speaker cable.

I stopped posting on the thread as everything that's being said is just getting shouted down by a very vocal few who are apparently unwilling to believe that there could possibly be something in this. I've been called an idiot, told that my cables were crap, and that they were oxidising (they're not). The improvements were put down to me swtiching from unterminated cable to terminated, at one point.

Personally I think it's to do with argument presentation. If this had been presented as "guys, I think I might have found something, have a go, what do you think..." we would have had a lot more traction. Much like happened in the Doug Schroder Method thread. It baffles me how that idea can be so lauded and recieved with open minds when this is just met with closed doors.

No doubt I'll get a bunch of responses explaining why I'm wrong and how I don't understand anything. I'm going back to lurking. If you want more info feel free to message me.