Some of the steady annoying members (Like Mr. Dill and Mr. geoffkait) are not saying much over Mr. khiak's and his dear friends generous posts. Quite obvious I would say. Please try to accept that they have an agenda to keep this thread as low and slow as possible. If it takes off, more and more will try my offered DIY calculated cables, the worse it gets to them.
Now they cannot climb the tree of no Hi-end cable were replaced by the DIY…(as it really doesn't matter what you call the old cable). Cables cost as much as US $ 8,000.-, US $8,400.- and US $ 17,000.- are most likely called like that.
The adv. of the expensive replaced cables, do not provide any technical data (Mr. Dill!) but do talking about purity and other semantics that seems they do not deliver much sound quality to the game. What is the VFM of a US $17,000.- that was replaced by a US $100.- DIY cable? Not much...
The bottom line is that those firms, that claim hills and mountains to charge you a fortune, have no idea what speaker cables you need. They also have no idea, what gauge that cable needs to be and why! Believe it or not, that's the truth! The more guys go the path (DIY) the more of that truth will unfold.
They are telling you about all kind of things, like purity, directional, skin effect, cryogenic treatment and more, to charge you that fortune. None is relevant. Trust me on that. They talk about minor to non existing values, at the time they miss the big picture.
This thread, the piling up of happy DIY guy's sharing and the results in their rooms are a testimony that no one can take away from me. Even thou different people say very similar things and all kept the DIY cable over the old ones.