No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 


Some of the steady annoying members (Like Mr. Dill and Mr. geoffkait) are not saying much over Mr. khiak's and his dear friends generous posts. Quite obvious I would say. Please try to accept that they have an agenda to keep this thread as low and slow as possible. If it takes off, more and more will try my offered DIY calculated cables, the worse it gets to them.  

Now they cannot climb the tree of no Hi-end cable were replaced by the DIY…(as it really doesn't matter what you call the old cable). Cables cost as much as US $ 8,000.-, US $8,400.- and  US $ 17,000.- are most likely called like that.

The adv. of the expensive replaced cables, do not provide any technical data (Mr. Dill!) but do talking about purity and other semantics that seems they do not deliver much sound quality to the game. What is the VFM of a US $17,000.- that was replaced by a US $100.- DIY cable? Not much...

The bottom line is that those firms, that claim hills and mountains to charge you a fortune, have no idea what speaker cables you need. They also have no idea, what gauge that cable needs to be and why! Believe it or not, that's the truth! The more guys go the path (DIY) the more of that truth will unfold.

They are telling you about all kind of things, like purity, directional, skin effect, cryogenic treatment and more, to charge you that fortune. None is relevant. Trust me on that. They talk about minor to non existing values, at the time they miss the big picture.

This thread, the piling up of happy DIY guy's sharing and the results in their rooms are a testimony that no one can take away from me. Even thou different people say very similar things and all kept the DIY cable over the old ones.

Post removed 

Mr. kosst_amojan


All have no idea what a good sound is, but you? (or dealers, industry guys ect'.)

Let's let each one to define for himself what is the sound they like. Also, what is the sound they prefer. Not only you in favor of charging an arm and a leg for a mediocre or bad cable, but you also wish to tell that poor guy (that you just robbed US $10,000.- from) that this cable sound is the best for him?

I never said what is a better sound. I left that to the guys who did the DIY cable to say. It is their saying, their testimony, their impression, their decision. We live at times no one shall tell us good from wrong sound. Especially, when we pay for that or put the time to build it (DIY).

Changes in sound between two cables, no matter how expensive or how cheap, can be explained solely by directionality. Mystery solved! 

Mr. geoffkait

Nothing can be explained by directionality. It is one of the worst inventions of the cable industry ever. An absolute bull----.

Audio signal is an AC (Alternated Current). An audio signal as complex it may be can be simplified by a set of sine waves (of different frequency and amplitude). This is what the Nyquist sampling is about and all digital sound (CD, PCM and on) is based on.

A sine wave is a symmetrical wave (above and below the zero voltage line). So is the energy (Integral) of its positive and negative value (Sum equals to zero).

As so, every half wave, the current flow one way and the other half in the opposite way. If a cable would be directional or have a directional property, it would be a disaster to one half. In such a case, the most difficult would be for the power grid that distributes a tremendous amount of power. If that would not be symmetrical, the difference would cost a lot and be a problem to deliver. Look at the power grid: millions of miles of wires, no one complains of directionality. No other but audio cable makers ever bothered with that. Those audio cable makers and sales rep. do, just because they charge money (a lot!) for no particular reason, but a lie.

The way to explain why a Hi-end called (by you) cable, that costs US $10,000 sound inferior to a US $ 100.- DIY cable is the cable’s resistance ratio between the amp’s DF and the cable’s resistance. When this is calculated per system, the results are in the impression sharing’s of members of this site who tried it. They say the truth. They show gratitude. They are honest and put away a US $ 10,000.- cable away, back to the box over a US $100.- DIY they just compared too.

Your say, is the proof of the cables industry attitude to the clients: spitting in their face.