No way,No how,Never will...

After a few decades of assembling systems around the world,I find myself in front of the computer researching balanced power conditioners as I am currently in an apartment in Mpls.I never put much stock in exotic wires,isolation/vibration theories and the other periphirals[SP] and thought I was set for awhile after the usual upgrades[amps,speakers,sources].WRONG!!But,I promise never to investgate the tube equipment possibilities,no way,no how,never......
Hi John,small world as I just talked to JD for the first time today!Going to get together very soon I feel.Yes,he is very deep on this stuff so isolationism etc., is looking up.Nice to hear from you and will reply as soon as I get my schedule together and find time and the sun-tanning lotion I packed away.Can you believe its January??Cheers,Bob
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Do you hear that Bob?
It's a pair of Joule monoblocks calling out your name :)

LOL, Usblues!!
I remember the dialog from Star Wars where Darth Vader has brought Luke Skywalker in front of the Darth Vader's Master. From the port hole Luke sees his rebellion force being decimated & the Master senses this & says
"resistance is futile, my son. Let the Dark side of the Force prevail within you."

Only here, it (tubes, i.e.) is the 'bright' side of the Force.

Anyway, mix & match your ss & tubes OR stay all in one or the other domain. Whatever makes you happy.
BUT..............never neglect AC power, isolation, vibration damping, room acoustics. You could but at your own 'peril'.