Arenakbt, strongly recommend that you call Calvin at ARC and discuss problem with him. There's a couple of threads current or recent running on A'gon which speak to the deleterious effects of heat on elelctronic parts, particularly certain types od caps.
If Cal recommends that you stay with a fan, he may advise you that it's an easy DIY. You may want to ask him if the fan used in the new Ref 150 could be dropped into the VT100 MkIII. I mention this because the ARC web site says the fan used in the Ref 150 is super quiet.
Good luck.
If Cal recommends that you stay with a fan, he may advise you that it's an easy DIY. You may want to ask him if the fan used in the new Ref 150 could be dropped into the VT100 MkIII. I mention this because the ARC web site says the fan used in the Ref 150 is super quiet.
Good luck.