Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner

Has anyone tried this unit from the Cable Company ?

I have , I plugged it into my Shunyata Hydra 8 on a dedicated circuit.

It takes about an 1/2 hour (and continues to improve) to see the effects on Video but the colors are deeper and the picture quality is much improved. High def is really great!

On Audio, I have my APL and Pass Labs Amp on other dedicated circuits , but even so, the Audio definition improved quite a bit.I couldnt believe it.

I dont know what it is doing but it only cost $179.

I am going to order another one to be used with just my Audio.
The sound became way more detailed and added a lot of air but not sure whether it has also turned my system a bit sharp.

Is it possible you somehow have a jitter problem? You may need to investigate. High powered gaming PC's with switched power supplies are often a culprit. Computer power supplies are notorious - they are some of the cheapest crap found on the planet...and of course computer chips vary their loads all the time.
i own and have reviewed alan maher's product. i also auditioned the noise destroyer. i corroborate the observations of wonderful electric regarding the noise destroyer.

in addition to alan maher's product i use blue circles sound pillows and ps audio noise harvesters.

i can't say i prefer any of the three noise reduction devices over the other, but they are reasonably priced and merit an audition by anyone considering noise reduction. there is a way to test a parallel device, by using a noise sniffer.
I don't think computers are the culprit here since before the installation of noise destroyers, the sound of my system was actually darker. Right now, it sounds a lot more energetic like it has been given a vitamin drink. Anyways I notice an elevated sense of energy too when I replaced the stock cords for the PS audio PPP with the Russ Andrew's Signature. Also, my system was extremely quiet to begin with so.....