NOS Tubes make a Huge difference

I got some NOS tubes for the first time today. Nothing extra fancy, some Mullard ECC82 for the pre section of my VTL IT85, and a pair of Telefunken ECC81 (left the other pair of JAN 12AT7s that came with the amp in there).

MAN WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! God, I mean, HUGE difference! totally obvious and significant. I am SO PSYCHED by this new find in audio. NOS TUBES are the BOMB!

OK, so trying to describe the changes...

--bass is much tighter, and better integrated
--better presentation of background instruments, voices
--much better definition
--more liquid/smooth/clear.. hard to describe

there is definitely a greater sense of clarity and purity. i'm totally impressed, and this may lead me to try some other NOS tubes. I definitely am going to replace the other 12AT7s (but not the EL34s, since I'll be getting a VAC 70/70 soon, and will only be using the VTL as a pre).
the VTL is pretty new; i just got it in June of this year, and bought it new from a dealer. the tubes that came out of the pre section said chinese on them, but nothing else. couldn't tell what the brand was. the 12at7 said JAN.
My experience has been that JAN Phillips 12AT7's have glare. If you replace them with NOS Mullard 6201 Gold Pins, you should get even better sound.
Maybe true for miniatures and especially for 12AX7, 12AU7, 6922, and 6SN7s, but not true for output tubes.